
Our Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Data Content

Here at The Knowledge our aim is to provide our users with a comprehensive, reliable and accurate database of established industry contacts. Our database is compiled by sending regular mailings directly to our entrants inviting them to update their listings with us. We also obtain data from Agents and Diary Services acting as authorised representatives for their clients. Our editorial team review all data before it goes live on the site

We encourage clients to create a login so they can manage their profiles themselves and submit updates at any point during the year. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the data published in print and online is correct, we are unable to accept any liability for any errors contained within them. We also cannot accept responsibility for the content of any social media feeds linked within individual profile pages..

If you wish to remove your listing or notify us of any erroneous content please contact us at

Data Reproduction

Our data cannot be reproduced in any form without the written consent of MBI. It is prohibited to use our data for the purposes of direct marketing, sales or other unauthorised contact.

Emailing our entrants

Whilst we facilitate contact via our website, we do not permit mass mailshots to go out to our entrants. We will take further action if this is found to have taken place.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

We take your data protection seriously and can assure you that your data is accessed and edited only by our editorial team and is stored safely on a secure server. At any point you have the right to make a subject access request to obtain details of the exact data we currently hold on you or your organisation. You also have the right to request removal of your data at any time by contacting us on We encourage you to keep in touch with us and respond to our mailings throughout the year, so the data we publish for you is accurate and will enable any potential new clients to get in touch.

Updating your marketing preferences

Here at The Knowledge we ensure you are always in control of your marketing preferences. They can be edited any time by logging in and visiting your user profile.

Our policies in full

Please visit Website Privacy and Cookies Policy – GlobalData  and Website terms of use  to view our full privacy and cookies policy and website terms of use. We encourage you to review these periodically as they are regularly updated.