Please visit the Advertise with Us page to see more information about how advertising with The Knowledge can benefit you and your business. You can also contact our advertising team directly by emailing Sarah Keegan on sarah.keegan@mbi.london.
If you have a Premier profile you can add and update News to your profile page by logging and then visiting manage account - edit my profile - active.
Contact us on 020 8102 0939 to learn how you or your company can add news to your profile page.
The Knowledge is unable to help with finding positions at UK production companies or productions.
To reset your password click here or click on the login button on the top right of the homepage and click on Forgot Password?.
Visit the Contact Us page to view contact information for The Knowledge. Alternatively, log in and click on messages within your user profile to contact the data, production or sales teams directly.
The Knowledge website is free to use for searching for crew, suppliers or services.
A subscription to our production news service Production Intelligence costs £545 for 12 months access.
A copy of The Knowledge print directory costs £98 +P&P. To purchase, you can call us directly on 020 8102 0939.
You can buy a copy of the print version of The Knowledge by calling Sarah Keegan on 020 8102 0939 or emailing knowledge@mbi.london.
The Knowledge is a complete A-Z guide to over 15,000 production services, equipment, technicians and crew, facilities and other specialist production services in the UK. You can find out more about us here.
The print Knowledge directory remains extremely popular, even in the digital era! You can purchase a copy by contacting knowledge@mbi.london.
User accounts on the website may only be used by individual users and you may not be logged in in two places at the same time. Alternatively, you may have given your username and password to another person who is currently logged in elsewhere. We recommend that all users of the site create their own (free) personal user account if they wish to use the site, as the system will force a sign out if it detects multiple logins.
Production Intelligence Subscribers: Production Intelligence subscriptions are only for one logged in user at a time. If you require multiple subscription access to PI please call Sarah Keegan on 020 8102 0939.
As standard, Basic listings will feature under 1 category, Enhanced listings 2 categories, Enhanced+ 3 categories, and Premier listings will feature under 3 categories.
You can contact us on 020 8102 0939 to learn how you or your company can feature under additional categories.
User: You may sign up to The Knowledge as a user, which will allow you to use the messaging system to contact crew and companies listed on the site
Basic Listing: If you or your company would like to be found in the search results with your basic contact details. You can be listed under 1 category.
Enhanced Listing: If you or your company would like to appear in 2 categories with full contact details, your company logo or headshot, 150 words of searchable text, 25 credits, website and social network links and in the third tier of search results.
Enhanced+ Listing: If you or your company would like to appear in 3 categories with full contact details, your company logo or headshot, a 5 image gallery, 1 video showreel, 150 words of searchable text, 35 credits, website and social network links and in the second tier of search results.
Premier Listing: In addition to the features of the enhanced+ listing, you will get 300 words of searchable text, a 50 image gallery, 20 video showreels, personalised profile page colour branding, unlimited credits, and appear in the top tier of search results as well the premier profile carousel at the top of each main category section.
For more information on your listing options, visit our Get Listed page and choose your package type.
You can also call our advertising team directly on 020 8102 0939.
To add yourself or your company to The Knowledge, visit our Get Listed page and choose your package type.
In development – Production is currently at script/concept stage, or sourcing financing
Pre-production – Preparing, and planning stages before going into production
In Production – Currently shooting
Completed – Finished shooting and is in either post-production or has been released/transmitted
Cancelled – The production is no longer going ahead
Firstly, double check the spelling of the title you’re searching for. Alternatively, try searching using a keyword from the title.
We may have the production you’re looking for listed under a different title. If you know the working title then enter that into the search box.
The production you’re looking for may also be in very early development, and the production company may not be in a position to accept applications at that stage. The production will be added to PI as soon as details are known.
Production Intelligence does not feature low-budget, or student films.
You can search Production Intelligence by typing the term you wish to find into the search box. This allows you to search by production name, crew name, or production company.
Additionally, you can use the quick searches at the top of the page to view all producers, all productions in development, view crew, view production companies, and view TV channels.
You can unfollow productions, companies, and crew, by clicking on the Unfollow button on their profile page or in your following feed.
Simply click on the Follow button in your watch list, on the profile page of a production company or crew member, or wherever you see it appear.
By following a company or crew member, you will be alerted via your following feed - and by email - whenever something is added or changed on that page.
You can subscribe to Production Intelligence online by clicking here.
Alternatively, you can call us on 020 8102 0939.
Production Intelligence is a subscription service from The Knowledge. It features hundreds of TV programmes and films in development, pre-production, and production, with contact details for the production companies involved and key personnel including: line producer, producer/s, director, and production manager.
It also contains invaluable information on shoot dates, shoot locations, shoot duration, production synopsis, genre, and more. It also features an archive of recently completed productions.
Production Intelligence is your essential source of productions in need of your services and skills.
More information on Production Intelligence including how to subscribe.
You will be asked to confirm your email preferences at sign-up - The Knowledge will only send you emails, alerts and offers that are useful and relevant to you. However, if you wish to be removed from any of our communications you can do so at any time via your user login, by clicking on data preferences in the left hand menu.
Companies and crew listed on The Knowledge can be contacted using The Knowledge messaging system. To use it you must be a registered user.
You can send a message by clicking the Send a Message button on a profile page. Add a subject line and message just as you would an email. This will send your message to that user's Knowledge Inbox, and to their registered email address.
To view your Knowledge Inbox, click on Messages in the left hand menu when logged in to your account. You can also message our data, production and sales teams directly via this menu.
The Knowledge Bulletin is a weekly newsletter delivered to your inbox with all the essential news about the UK production industry. You can receive it by simply registering for a free Knowledge account.
If you already have a Knowledge account, but do not receive The Knowledge Bulletin, click here to sign up.
Firstly, enter what you’re looking for into the search box, and if we recognise the term you’re entering as a company name, keyword or type of service a box will appear with automatic suggestions… if one of these auto-suggestions is what you’re looking for click on it and you will go directly to the search results for that term. Otherwise, hit search and you will be taken to a more extensive search results page.
Browse the full list of categories on The Knowledge by clicking on the Categories link in the top panel. Then select the appropriate section to get a full list of categories within it.
Finding what you need on The Knowledge is very easy. Enter what you’re looking for into the search box at the top of the page and click Search.
If we recognise the term you’re entering as a company name or a type of service a box will appear with automatic suggestions… if one of these auto-suggestions is what you’re looking for just click on it and you will go directly to the search results for that term.
You can filter your results by various criteria after searching, by choosing options in the Filter column on the left hand side of the screen, including location, specialisation, and credits.
To view our Terms & Conditions please click here.
To view our Privacy Policy please click here.
If you have claimed your Knowledge profile you can update your credits whenever you want to by logging in and visiting manage account - edit my profile - active - manage - add credits.
Contact us on 020 8102 0939 to learn how you or your company can feature additional credits.
If you have an Enhanced+ or Premier profile you can add and update your Showreels at any time by logging and visiting manage account - edit my profile - active - manage - add reels. Remember you can include a title and description too.
Don't have any showreels at present? Contact us on 020 8102 0939 to learn how you or your company can include a Showreel on your profile.
If you have an Enhanced+ or Premier profile you can update your photo gallery by logging in and visiting manage account - edit my profile - active - edit and then go to the gallery section where you can add, delete and reorder your chosen pictures.
Don't have a photo gallery at present? Contact us on 020 8102 0939 to learn how you or your company can feature a photo gallery on your profile page.
If you have claimed your Knowledge profile you can update it whenever you want to. Simply log in and visit manage account - edit my profile - active. Select edit to update your main profile details, or manage to update credits, contacts and reels. If your user login is attached to more than one profile they will all appear in this section, so you can edit each one individually.
Claiming your profile connects your user login with your live profile, allowing you to log in and edit it at your leisure.
Simply visit your profile and click the blue claim profile button at the top. It will prompt you to either log in (if you haven't already) or create a user account. You will then be asked to provide a few details explaining your connection to the profile (something as simple as 'it's me!' will suffice!). Hit submit and your work is done...it's over to us to make the connection and you will be notified via email when this is done.