
Netflix’ The Crown – London’s regal backdrop

Netflix’ The Crown – London’s regal backdrop

Netflix”s fictionalised series about the first decade of the Queen”s reign has launched, with London providing the backdrop for several key scenes.

The lavish ten-part drama cost a reported £100m, is expected to run over several seasons, and is inspired by Peter Morgan”s play The Audience. Left Bank Pictures produce.

Various London locations were used during the lengthy shoot, which ran for eight months from July 2015.

Period buildings and backdrops in boroughs including Haringey, Bromley, Lambeth, Southwark and Camden played a role, with many already lined up for Series 2, which started filming around a month ago.

A scene set in the 1950s, which sees John Lithgow as Winston Churchill, used the old town hall in Bromley to portray the Conservative Party HQ. The casting of Lithgow – a foot taller than Churchill was – also meant that the door of 10 Downing Street had to be made bigger to maintain the right proportions.

A house in Camden”s Fitzroy Square provided the setting for the home of Group Captain Peter Townsend, whose romance with Princess Margaret caused huge controversy at the time.

The borough of Camden was also involved in January this year when the west courtyard of Senate House in Malet Street provided the setting for a state parade in Australia, as pictured below.

Senate House

Southwark Cathedral and old Hornsey Town Hall in Haringey were also used for their lush interiors, and there are shots of Bedford Row and the Palace of Westminster.

FilmFixer manages the film office service for Haringey, Bromley, Lambeth, Southwark and Camden Councils. FilmFixer director Karen Everett says, “There”s no overstating the production values Netflix brought to this series.

“I like to think that, just as the drama will help us see the Queen through fresh eyes, so will its important locations – many of which we pass on the street regularly without noticing particularly.”

For more on The Crown Series 2 log into Production Intelligence.

Official photos via Netflix and Alex Bailey. Senate House set photo via Lise Colyer of FilmFixer.

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