
Introducing “Warm Rain”

Introducing the Bells & Two Tones Warm Rain System. Here at Bells and Two Tones we have been working for the last 2 years on various designs and ideas on what is the best way to provide warm water for all SFX needs. We are now pleased to announce that we can supply warm water which is portable, economic and above all, safe.
Our system has been designed from the ground up as well as having to be portable we always had safety in mind, we took the decision to get away from high pressure steam boilers and today we can offer a low pressure non-steam setup.
As our bowsers are all insulated we can bring 10,000ltrs or 20,000lts of warm water to your location, should you have a larger than normal requirement for warm water we can bring our whole setup to location and heat the water in situ, at present our 20,000 ltr bowser can be heated on site at the rate of 9 degrees per hour.
Should you require hot water (hot enough for a bath) we can produce a 1000 litres of hot water every 13 mins.

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