Justice League to film in the UK

Warner Bros.” latest superhero blockbuster, Justice League Part One, is setting up in the UK ready to shoot later this year.
The US studio giant yesterday announced opening dates for the feature – 17 November 2017, to be preceded by the release of Wonder Woman on 23 June of the same year.
Wonder Woman has been filming in the UK and Italy since late last year, with Gal Gadot as the eponymous Amazon princess. She will reprise her role in Justice League Part One, in which she will be joined by Henry Cavill (Superman), Ben Affleck (Batman), Jason Momoa (Aquaman) Ezra Miller (The Flash) and Ray Fisher (Cyborg).
The DC Extended Universe was launched in 2013 with Man of Steel, with Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad currently readying for release.
Zack Snyder directs Justice League Part One, working alongside producers Charles Roven and Deborah Snyder. Pre-production is underway; studio details are on Production Intelligence.
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