
Government intervenes on second studio-planning decision

CGI aerial view of planned Holyport Studios
Planned Holyport Studios site, image via Holyport Studios

This is the second time in recent weeks that the government has been called in to determine a rejected planning decision on studio developments in the UK

The government has been brought in to determine a decision on Holyport Studios in Berkshire, after Windsor and Maidenhead councillors rejected the proposal at planning committee, citing concern for the impact on the green belt.

The site’s developers, Greystoke Land and Centrebridge Partners, appealed the decision in August for determination by the government’s planning inspectorate, with the result that Secretary of State Angela Rayner, has now been called in.

The planned site is near the village of Holyport, close to the existing Bray Studios. If given the green light, the purpose-built facility would provide around 60, 000 sqm of studio space as well as a large nature park and would create an estimated 1, 500 jobs.

The government has also recently recovered an appeal against the refusal of planning permission for Marlow Film Studios in Buckinghamshire – a project with high-profile supporters including James Cameron. The planning merits of the proposal will now be reviewed by ministers in detail before a final decision is made.

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