
Dancing With Ice Returns To Elstree

ITV”s show Dancing With Ice is to return to Elstree for series seven, having spent the last run camping out at Shepperton Studios. The first five series of the show were all shot at Elstree, but the sixth run had to move to Shepperton because of the new Sherlock Holmes film, A Game of Shadows, which stars Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law.

Elstree MD Roger Morris commented: “When we announced last year that we were unable to accommodate Dancing on Ice, there was almost a public outcry. It is a great series with a dedicated following and we love working with the show. For major audience shows like Dancing on Ice, you need a studio that’;s easy to get to, and that has the infrastructure and size to accommodate the show”s needs – lots of ice rinks, artists and major broadcast facilities.”

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