Win 2 tickets! Documentary screening competition

For all you documentary fans out there that couldn’;t make it to Sheffield – or for those of you who can”t get enough of all things factual – Open City Docs Fest presents the perfect answer.
With the UCL-backed festival less than a week away, taking place 20 – 23 June, we thought it would be a nice idea to test your knowledge and give you the chance to win two tickets to a screening of John Appel’;s acclaimed documentary feature, Wrong Time, Wrong Place.
The film is a ‘;tasteful’; documentation of the devastation brought on by the mass murderer and (or?) terrorist Anders Behring Breivik in Norway and received many good reviews when it recently opened IDFA, the largest documentary festival in the world. (To find out more about the film visit the Open City Docs website)
The 80-minute documentary, nominated for a Grand Jury Award, will be showing at London”s Bloomsbury Theatre at 4pm on Friday 21 June.
For a chance of winning two tickets, simply answer the following question:
Filmmaker John Appel comes from which country?
A) The Netherlands
B) France
C) Norway
Email your correct answer along with your name and contact details by clicking this link. Deadline for entries is 5pm on Wednesday 19 June.
Only the winner will be notified.
Click the image below to watch the trailer for the festival:
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