
Sale of Bristol’s Bottle Yard Studios can go ahead

Aerial view of TBY2 at The Bottle Yard Studios
Image via the Bottle Yard Studios

A potential buyer can now be identified for the dual-site studio complex, that opened in 2010.

Following a Bristol City Council meeting on Monday, 16 September, it has been confirmed that the city’s Bottle Yard Studios can be put up for sale.

A Bristol City Council spokesperson said today (18 September): “Officers have been given permission to move a proposed sale to the next step and identify a potential buyer for the studios. Councillors will reconvene shortly to finalise their discussions about a proposed sale of the long leasehold and decide on whether to move ahead with the recommended sale.”

Ownership of the studios currently sits with the council who, along with the West of England Combined Authority and a number of other organisations, have maintained steady investment into the facility since opening.

However, due to changes in the TV and film production market and the ownership and investment models of local authority-owned studios elsewhere, members of the Strategy and Resources policy committee were asked to agree to a process to identify a purchaser for the studios to maximise future investment opportunities.

The Bottle Yard Studios opened in 2010, and have become a major player in the UK studio landscape, with an expansion into a second site, TBY2, in 2022. Bristol itself is a key film-friendly destination for domestic and international producers, with the latest figures from Bristol Film Office showing that film and HETV production at The Bottle Yard Studios and on location in Bristol is now worth more than £20m per year to Bristol’s economy.

Laura Aviles, Bristol City Council’s head of film who oversees the studios, further stressed the importance of the facility to the region, saying ahead of this week’s meeting: “I’m pleased that the future of The Bottle Yard is being placed high on the agenda by Council leaders. There is absolutely no doubt that the Studios have had a transformative effect on the film and TV industry in Bristol and the West.

“This success can be seen in the thriving workplace it provides for hundreds of crew and creative professionals each day, the tight-knit community of specialist companies resident on site, and a strong booking slate stretching into 2025/26. Since expanding 2 years ago, our reputation has been further elevated amongst leading UK and US producers, commissioners and streamers. I want to ensure The Bottle Yard continues to achieve its full potential into the future.”

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